United One Resources Expertise


United One Resources Support


United One Resources Efficiency


United One Resources Efficiency


Scope of Services

Leading Lenders Close More Mortgages When They Are United.

United One timeline -Credit Reporting
United One timeline - Agreement of Sale
United One timeline - Fraud Solutions
United One timeline - Real Estate Appraisal
United One timeline - Flood Zone Determination
United One timeline - Closing

For over 100 years, United One has moved customers like yours from application to close with unparalleled integrity, accuracy, and speed.

United One timeline path
United One timeline downard arrows

United One investigates

Score simulator: Rapid rescore at bureau – 72 hrs.

Debt monitoring: Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac

United One timeline downard arrows

Application signed

Buyer excited

Realtor happy

Lending institution goes to work – calls in the experts – United One

United One timeline downard arrows

Tax return verifications

Application data verification SSA-89

Rent verification

Employment verification

United One protects

United One timeline downard arrows

United One serves: Appraisal management service

Automated valuation models

United One timeline downard arrows

Life of loan

Basic determination

United One advises

United One timeline downard arrows

Title insurance and settlement

Multi-state offering (PA, NJ, NY, MA, MD, VA, DC, and FL)

United One delivers

United One timeline -Credit Reporting
United One timeline downard arrows

United One investigates

Score simulator: Rapid rescore at bureau – 72 hrs.

Debt monitoring: Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac

United One timeline - Agreement of Sale
United One timeline downard arrows

Application signed

Buyer excited

Realtor happy

Lending institution goes to work – calls in the experts – United One

United One timeline - Fraud Solutions
United One timeline downard arrows

Tax return verifications

Application data verification SSA-89

Rent verification

Employment verification

United One protects

United One timeline - Real Estate Appraisal
United One timeline downard arrows

United One serves: Appraisal management service

Automated valuation models

United One timeline - Flood Zone Determination
United One timeline downard arrows

Life of loan

Basic determination

United One advises

United One timeline - Closing
United One timeline downard arrows

Title insurance and settlement

Multi-state offering (PA, NJ, NY, MA, MD, VA, DC, and FL)

United One delivers

United One

United One timeline icons

And Send